"Nothing in Biology makes sense except in the light of evolution"
Know what's very funny and ironic about that quote? It also applies to the JW religion - the very religion that denies evolution is also itself a product of evolution in startling ways that mirror the evolution of life on the planet.
More than 90% of all species that have ever lived have gone extinct. Only those that had the traits or evolved the traits to survive in changing environments have survived. This mirrors JW teachings and publications. More than 90% of all publications ever printed by Watchtower have gone out of print (extinct) because they could not survive the changing environments or times which destroyed their credibility.
An intelligent designer would not have made such a wide variety of species only to have them go extinct. Likewise if the Watchtower organization was truly spirit directed then God would not have directed the organization to print so much publications only to have the vast majority of them discarded as old light with the passage of time.
So just as nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution, in the same way nothing in the history of JWs makes any logical sense in the context of a spirit directed organization; but it all makes perfect sense in the light of the evolution of fallible human ideas.